Digital Radio Mondiale (abbreviated DRM; mondiale being Italian and French for "worldwide") is a set of digital audio broadcasting technologies designed to work over the bands currently used for analogue radio broadcasting including AM broadcasting, particularly shortwave, and FM broadcasting. DRM is more spectrally efficient than AM and FM, allowing more stations, at higher quality, into a given amount of bandwidth, using various MPEG-4 audio coding formats.

1. Surrogate advertising is a form of advertising which is used to promote banned ... in case of alcohol, or products of a completely different category
he phrase "covert advertising" refers to advertising that is hidden in other media, such as an actor in a movie drinking a Coca-Cola. It is referred to as "covert" because it is not direct advertising, but subliminally viewers often notice the product.

Classified advertisements are advertisements used by the general masses to promote or use services. They are generally text-based ads where newspaper agencies generally charge on the number of words used. So, you can very well imagine that there is no place for precise English sentences here and the only concern is to get things noticed with as minimum words as possible.

 New media advertising is marketing that makes use of the Internet to reach people. 


 Outdoor advertising include billboards, bus benches, interiors and exteriors of buses, taxis and business vehicles, and signage posted on the exterior of your own brick-and-mortar location. .
 Transit advertising is advertising placed in or on modes of public transportation or in public transportation areas. Using this method of advertising, ads can be placed anywhere from on the sides of buses, trains and taxis, to inside subway cars, inside bus stations and near train or bus platforms.

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